货号 |
产品名称 |
产品简介 |
规格 |
应用 |
品牌 |
AS06 163 |
Hcf101 | High chlorophyll fluorescence phe...
兔抗高叶绿素荧光表型蛋白多克隆抗体 |
200 ?l |
Immunolocalization (IL), Western blot (W... |
Agrisera |
AS06 167 |
PsbP | 23 kDa protein of the oxygen evolvi...
兔抗光系统II 放氧复合体(OEC)23KD蛋白多克隆抗体 |
100 ?l |
Western blot (WB) |
Agrisera |
AS06 169 |
COR14b | Cor14b-encoded cold regulated pro...
兔抗COR14b冷调节蛋白多克隆抗体 |
100 ?l |
Western blot (WB) |
Agrisera |
AS06 170 |
CSD2 | Chloroplastic Cu/Zn superoxide dism...
兔抗叶绿体Cu/Zn超氧化物歧化酶多克隆抗体 |
50 ?l |
Western blot (WB) |
Agrisera |
AS06 171 |
PsbTn | Tn protein of PSII
兔抗光系统II TN蛋白多克隆抗体 |
200 ?l |
Western blot (WB) |
Agrisera |
AS06 172 |
PsaA | PSI-A core protein of photosystem I
兔抗光系统I核心蛋白PsaA多克隆抗体 |
50 ?l |
Immunogold (IG), Western blot (WB), Bue ... |
Agrisera |
AS06 172-100 |
PsaA | PSI-A core protein of photosystem I...
兔抗光系统I核心蛋白PsaA多克隆抗体 |
2 x 50 ?l |
Immunogold (IG), Western blot (WB) |
Agrisera |
AS06 174 |
HSP90C | alfa-HSP90C, heat shock protein
兔抗热休克蛋白HSP90C多克隆抗体 |
100 ?l |
Immunoprecipitation (IP), Western blot (... |
Agrisera |
AS06 175 |
HSP70B | Stromal alfa-HSP70
兔抗热休克蛋白HSP90B多克隆抗体 |
100 ?l |
Immunoprecipitation (IP), Western blot (... |
Agrisera |
AS06 176 |
CGE1 | Alfa-CGE1, chloroplastic GrpE homol...
兔抗伴侣蛋白CGE1多克隆抗体 |
100 ?l |
Immunoprecipitation (IP), Western blot (... |
Agrisera |
AS06 178 |
HSF1 | Heat shock factor 1
兔抗热休克因子1多克隆抗体 |
100 ?l |
Western blot (WB) |
Agrisera |
AS06 179 |
CDJ1 | chloroplast DnaJ homolog 1
兔抗叶绿体CDJ1蛋白多克隆抗体 |
100 ?l |
Immunoprecipitation (IP), Western blot (... |
Agrisera |