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Rabbit anti-PsbA-Nt (D1)

Rabbit anti-PsbA-Nt (D1)

产品货号: P22A-1
产品规格: 200 µl
产品价格: 询价
产品品牌: Antiprot
供 应 商:
产品简介: 兔抗植物光系统II D1蛋白(N端序列)多克隆抗体
Antibody name: anti-PsbA-Nt (D1)
Product number: P22A-1
Product description: polyclonal antibody; contains 0.01% NaN3
Origin: rabbit
Immunogen: synthetic peptide against PsbA Nterminus (a. a. 1 – 17) from Arabidopsis thaliana PsbA protein
Applications: Western blot (1 : 2.000 for ECL)
Immunocrossreaction: higher plants. According to sequence homology antisera may reacts in Synechocystis only with PsbA2/3 but not with PsbA1. For analysis of cyanobacterial D1 proteins the dilution 1 : 1.000 is recommended.
Storage: short term +4°C; long term -20°. Repeated freezing and thawing is not recommended.
Quantity: 200 µl 

Protein description: D1 is one the major proteins of the reaction centre of photosystem II which carries the QB-binding site. D1 reduces the reaction centre P680* and provides the ligands to the manganese cluster of the water-oxidizing complex at the lumenal side of thylakoid membrane. D1 protein is synthesized in a precursor form containing a C-terminal extension of 16 amino acid residues in cyanobacteria and 8 – 9 - in eukaryotes. The precursor D1 is co-translationally inserted into the thylakoid membrane and is C-terminally cleaved by CtpA protease (Anbudurai et al., 1994, PNAS 16, 8082 – 8086). D1 protein from higher plants and green algae can be phosphorylated by STN8 kinase (Bonardi et al., 2005, Nature 437, 1179 – 1182; Vaionen et al., 2005, J Biol. Chem. 280, 33679 – 33686).